
Check out our Latest News!

Christmas Raffle Sold Out!

Thank you all for participating in the Top Gun Christmas Raffle!   We are SOLD OUT!  225 tickets sold.  For all of you that bought five or more tickets you are entered into a supplemental drawing for the free Annual compliments of AERCO.  There will be some other prizes given away as well.  So stay tuned for more details on the...

Upright Covers on Sale for XMAS!

Our friends and family are always looking for the perfect gift for pilots!  How about a Top Gun Upright Cover!  We still have a small inventory left of these limited production items.   Now through Christmas, $40.00 on sale!  Or just treat yourself!   View Here

Our 2021 Waiver is Approved!

Our thanks to Bubba Cliver who our waiver committee chair on getting our 2021 FAA Waiver for Top Gun Approved!   Our event dates are set so mark your calendars.  Our Event Calendar on the website has also been updated!  The full waiver details are in your member login documents folder. Click Here for Event Dates

October Top Gun Champion

Sunday, Oct. 18th was a GREAT day to fly!   Thank you to the outstanding crews, scoring team, measuring team, Pilots, all the rest of the great volunteers that make this happen, and Zerek Welz for being our Event Director. There can be only one…. And October’s Champion is Lonnie Carreathers!    A great job flying and awesome crew.   We also owe special...

September Top Gun is Shawn Speicher

Well, it was a huge learning month!  Educational for the pilots, the Crews, the Navigators, the Event Director, the Scoring Officials, the board of directors…..  but we are very pleased to say that the results are FINAL! Congratulations to Shawn Speicher…. Our September Top Gun Pilot!  Neil Jackson, Dave Eichhorn, Lonnie Carreathers, and Trenton Caldwell round out our Top 5! ...

August Top Gun Champion

Our August Top Gun Pilot - Steve Mezzancello 2nd Place - Neil Jackson 3rd Place - Trent Caldwell Our Sunday Event was cancelled due to high winds, so our Saturday standings stay in force. Thank you all for a GREAT weekend. Task 1 Final Task 2 Final Task 3 Final Overall Final

July Top Gun Champion is….

Shawn Speicher!   Ray Bair came in 2nd and Cheri White came in 3rd!   It was another great event following local and state guidelines.   Thanks to Andi Babcock our new head of scoring and her hard work learning the scoring program!  Looking forward to our August event! Task 1 Finals Task 2 Finals Task 3 Finals Overall Finals

New Executive Officers Confirmed

The new officer slate and directors have been voted and confirmed.    Will Fitzpatrick, President | Anthony Lard, VP | Steve Williams, Secretary | Dave Bagley, Treasurer.    The 2020 additional directors are:  Steve Mezzancello, Jason Buckner, Keith Takach, David Eichhorn, and Jeff Ashworth.       The About Us section of the website is updated along with new officer emails...

2019 Top Gun Champion!

Congratulations to Chris Cliver for being 2019 Top Gun Champion!   Please visit the Pilot's standing page for the entire year standings along with new expanded explanation of how Top Gun's scores are calculated.  Click here.